Welcome to the Sacred Heart Nightly Devotion

As you might know, the month of June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Many people are well acquainted with the
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home but for some reason, the work which
Father Mateo called “the most beautiful flower of his work”, the nightly adoration in the home, seems to have fallen by the wayside.
Admittedly the Enthronement was promoted first but, after the
Enthronement took place what happened to those families? Many generous Catholics, because of family obligations, distance or sickness, were not able to go to church especially at night to participate in the perpetual adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament. With that in mind, Father Mateo founded the Holy Hour in the home as a means of offering reparation to the Sacred Heart in families for sins committed in and against the home.
The encyclical
“Miserentissimus Redemptor” by Pius XI greatly approved and encouraged both the Enthronement and the Holy Hour in the home.
We all know that the state of families and society at large is far worse now than it was in the first half on the 20th century. The family is the temple of temples, the source of life. If the source of national life is poisoned, the nation will perish. But the remedy against all that destruction is still very much available to all who want it.
We need to promote the nightly adoration in the home yet again, we need to regain all the faith, devotion and sacrifice that used to exist in so many families. “The Holy Hour is not a devotion, but a work of redemption”, Bishop Fulton Sheen would say. It just needs one willing soul to start with, in each family, to give up just ONE hour a month, in between the hours of 9pm and 5 to 6am. Over time, the good example of one will encourage others to follow. And who doesn’t have some important decision to take regarding a possible vocation, job, children's future, temporary worries, health....?

The Sacred Heart of Jesus said to St Margaret Mary: "Make reparation for the ingratitude of men. Spend an hour in prayer to appease divine justice, to implore mercy for sinners, to honour Me, to console Me for my bitter suffering when abandoned by My Apostles when they did not watch one hour with me"
We need to restart/expand the Holy Hour Crusade, we need perpetual adoration in the home in all our countries again. It is only by the Sacred Heart being a living King in all our families that the Sacred Heart of Jesus will reign again in the world!
A Holy Mass is offered every month for all people having commited themselves to participate in this devotion, and for their families.
In this website you will find an
Info page, which explains how the Holy Hour in the home works.
History page will introduce you to Father Mateo Crawley-Boevery, who devoted his life to promote this devotion as well as the Enthronement of the home to the Sacred Heart.
In the
Prayers page there is a selection of prayers you might like to download, as well as a list of places were to find books or booklets to pray the Holy Hour.
FAQ page tries to answer all common questions about this devotion.
St Margaret-Mary received those
Promises from Our Lord. If we make an effort, Our Lord does reward us magnificently.
In the
Charts page you may have a look for the free Holy Hour slots that your country has, so you may try to choose an hour that has not been taken yet. If you have a local group organising the Holy Hour you will not need this, but if you are not part of any, you could consider either organising one yourself or taking part in the prayer crusade organised here.
An explanation of what the
Enthronement is and how to consecrate your home, school, parish or religious community to the Sacred Heart. You will also be able to download the ceremonies
In the
Tarcisians page you will find all that is necessary for encouraging children as young as 4 or 5 to start being apostles of the Sacred Heart!
Documents page contains out of print books mainly about the Sacred Heart, but also of general interest to any Catholic.
Links page lists a few other sites of interest which you might like to visit as well as the way to link this website to yours.
If you would like to participate in this devotion or send us a message, go to the
Contact page.
And lastly, the
Images page has a fantastic selection of pictures of the Sacred Heart as well as a few others that should inspire all devotional and artistic inclinations.